Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The holidays are approaching, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away! I guess I need to start figuring out some of my old fav's the gluten free way.. I wonder if it is possible to imitate snow balls and cream puffs the way I remember them??

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gluten lust

I was sitting in church this weekend and the pastor was talking about Lust in our world, how we are surrounded by it in our society. As I thought about what he said I compared it to gluten. I am surrounded by it, I leave my house I drive past fast food, I go into the mall and it is the whole food court, I walk down the frozen aisle of the grocery store it is there. Being gluten free is not hard in my home, It is normal, healthy. But I step out of my house and I am surrounded by this stuff that is bad for me, that damages my body. This is where I struggle, I have not ever cheated but is certainly hasn't been easy. It is a tradition that we eat out as a family on sunday lunch. Do you have any idea how hard it is? Every time we get into the car, he asks 'so where do you want to go?' In my mind I want to say 'no where', I don't want to go out to eat. But instead I say 'I don't care'. Again I am back to the point of my trouble, the un-social aspect of it. So how do I fix it?
So today we went to Soup or Salad, it was nice, no pressure to order off a menu, could pick and choose what I wanted, even had a baked potato. It was a good lunch :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here I am..

So here I am, a year after being diagnosed with Celiac's, feeling better than I have in years. This year has been a year full of emotions. I cannot even begin to replay the journey I have taken, gosh there were days I felt like it had to be some conspiracy, then days that this is totally the right way to live. The challenge has not what to eat, but the social or rather un-social aspect it has. The challenge to fit in. How lonely and alienating it can be. I have been gluten free for 14 months, in some ways it feels like just yesterday and other ways it feels like my whole life. This blog is simply my journey, my ponderings, my experiences.